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Scherm­afbeelding 2023 11 05 om 19.18.56


The big advantage of acrylic is that everything can be incorporated into it. You can incorporate gold into the acrylic, flowers, money or even a photo with your nail extension. The great thing about this is that it is incorporated into the nail and therefore not on the nail. This not only looks nicer, but the nail decoration is also better protected.

our acryl treatments


A baby boom design is an ombre from a usually pink/nude color to white.

nail art

Nail art is the art of drawing or painting different types of patterns on the nails.

Cartoon nail

Disney nails, the Power Puff girls, Betty Boob, Dragoball Z.. our nailtech can do it all.


A French manicure is a light pink, nude or transparent polish with a plain white tip.


Process material such as gold, flowers, money or a photo in the nail.


Colors of your choice are fused together to create a marble drawing.

Swarovki /

Cover your nails with stones that will shine for weeks.

XXXL nails

Extra extra extra space for designs and inlays

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